What is the Difference Between Copywriting and Copyrighting?First of all, the term "copyright" refers to legal ownership of an intellectual property, such as a book, a website, a written article, video, etc. On the other hand, "copywriting" is the action of writing a body of words for the specific purpose of marketing and selling ideas, services, or products. Copywriting may often be used interchangeably with freelance writing or content writing, although this is not the correct definition. A copywriter is an individual that loves writing for purposes that are promotional, although they may still be known as freelance writers although they have a specific purpose related to marketing. A copywriter could be asked to write commercial scripts, sales letters, sales copy, advertising copy or various other sorts of marketing media for businesses like mass mailings, billboards or brochures. Copywriters have also been known to write for purposes that are commercial, usually for SEO. SEO or search engine optimization is a way of using those terms that are frequently searched in the copy that is written to promote the site or the businesses within the search engines, which makes it more likely that people are going to click on the link and see what is on the website. These are just a few places where you might find copywriting, however just by looking anywhere that you find writing, could be the work of a copywriter that you don't even notice. The majority of reporters, journalists or other types of content writers are not referred to as a copywriter, however this may have been what they were before. Copywriting may be a way that you can get into the industry of publishing, along with some college degree in English, journalism, marketing or other kind of communications or writing is a great way that you can start out. While you are studying in college it is possible to look into getting jobs or internships as copywriters, where you can learn all about it as well as meet some people that can help you in the future. When you are a copywriter for a business, this is generally referred to as freelancing. Although companies do need to hire their staff of copywriters, it is better to have a large community of freelancers that they can pick and choose from. Due to this, copywriters have been known to work for many different businesses at one time, which is good for creating a portfolio and having a large amount of clients and contacts. Some of these copywriters may even have the chance to work from their own private offices or their homes. When working for a magazine, newspaper or company a copywriter might find that they are working within a team to help with advertisement. Since copywriters only work with the content that is written for the advertisements, they might work with others that are responsible for working on the graphics for the advertisement or the site that they are presented on. There are some advertisements that only consist of content, where the copywriter will be the only one working. In order to be a copywriter, you will need to act professional, have a good knowledge of writing high quality content, and think of new ideas that can help to promote the business or brand that you are working for.
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